

Aged Miso Cheese


  • 2 cups raw, unsalted cashews

  • 1 cup filtered water

  • 1 tablespoon dark miso

  • 3 teaspoons unrefined sea salt, divided

  • ½ cup coconut oil


  1. In a bowl, soak the cashews in water for 8-12 hours. Then drain. 

  2. Pour the cashews into a blender with the miso, and blend until they are combined. Cover and let sit for twenty-four hours. Add 1 teaspoon of the salt as well as the oil, and blend until smooth. You may need to push the ingredients down with a spatula a few times to ensure a creamy, smooth consistency.

  3. Pour the cheese mixture into a cheesecloth-lined bowl that is the shape you’d like the finished cheese to be. Refrigerate for four to six hours, or until it is firm. Remove the cheese from the bowl, and peel away the cheesecloth.

  4. Gently rub the remaining 2 teaspoons of salt over the full surface of the cheese, including the bottom. Carefully place it on a wire rack in a cool, dark, and undisturbed place, and allow the cheese to air-dry for seven to twenty-eight days, or longer if desired. After you have aged the cheese, refrigerate and serve, or store in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to one month.