Pickle Pipes

Fermented Apple Pear Sauce

When I was a kid at basically every dinner there would be either applesauce or apple butter on the table. The apple butter usually came from the Amish farm or the local apple farm, and the applesauce...well, Mott's was what we had.

Thinking about my love of applesauce and over the years of hauling home a huge CSA loot of apples and pears I started making a slow cooker Apple Pear Sauce somewhere around September. Always the maker and always the person wanting to re-invent things I decided that this year we would do a few batches of Fermented Apple Pear Sauce to add to our fall goodies...promptly followed by Apple Cider Vinegar, Hard Cider, Cyszar, and a fall Apple Kraut.

Here's our recipe for our Fermented Apple Pear Sauce. Hope you enjoy it as much as we have!


  • 5 medium apples and 2-3 medium pears
  • 2 Tbsp. water kefir
  • 1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt


  1. Chop apples and pears into chunks. Optional is to peel them -- we like them with peels on with the cores removed. Throw them into a food processor and blend until you get your desired consistency.
  2. Mix in water kefir, ginger, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt.
  3. Transfer to a quart jar, leave room for the ferment to do it's thing, we suggest 1 inch (or at the curve of the jar).
  4. Cover the jar with a cloth, lid, airlock, pickle pipe, or whatever method of your choosing.
  5. Ferment for 1-3 days until you reach a flavor and texture that you like. We suggest tasting it daily to see how the flavor profile changes daily. It's really the best way to learn how you like your ferments! Once you like the flavor, put a lid on the jar, and store in the fridge. We suggest eating within 1-2 months. 